Pick up the first jammer again and redirect it to the door. Now go around and collect the other jammer, aiming it at the turret. Stay right and pick up the jammer, then use this on the already deactivated mine (from far away).
Talos principle tower floor 2 free#
Now you are free to collect the sigil and leave again. Pick up the second jammer again and use it on the other mine. Go back to the first jammer and now use it to target one of the mines. Go and pick up the other jammer and remove it from the small room. Use the first jammer to target the already deactivated door you can see through the window. Use the jammer on the second door, then head through and collect the sigil. Use the jammer to deactivate the first door, then pick it up again to trap the second mine on the far side. Pick up the jammer and run across to the other side of the first passage. Go straight ahead, then duck into the first right area when you can, avoiding the mine. For now, it is best just to continue with Level A1 by going through the doorway labeled 1. From this section of the temple, you can enter the other levels within World A, and you can see your progress both on the signs next to the doors and on a larger sign at the end of the hall. Step into the light up on the platform to reach Elohim's Temple Halls of His Temple. Go through and use the terminal, then keep going through the purple doorway ahead. Now you can solve the puzzle gate in the hub area of this level using your 3 green sigils: Now use the jammer to disable the turret, so you can safely collect the sigil and leave again. Use this to disable the door, then quickly pick it up again to trap the mine on this side. Run past and grab the sigil, then retrace your steps to exit. Now you can pick up the jammer and use it on the mine. Go close to the turret and up the stairs until you find a switch - use this to disable the turret permanently. Go left and find a jammer, then use this to disable the turret. Use the jammers to get back out and leave this area. Pick up the second jammer once more and use it on the turret.

Find a second jammer and use it on the first door from the other side, then grab the first jammer and use it on the second door. Pick up the jammer from the far left and use it to deactivate the first door.

World A Sigils Level A1 Only the Two of Us (Green) They can be obtained in many different orders, but the remainder of the guide is a suggested order. The signs you will see have colored symbols which indicate sigils you must collect by solving puzzles. Now follow the path until you reach an open area with signs leading off in various directions. Grab the next jammer and point it at the turret Logic check. Pick up another jammer and point it at the mine to disable it. Pick up the yellow jammer from the left and aim it at the blue door to disable it.